Why Join Our RemodelForums Community - Hey You Lurkers!


Staff member
We're lucky to have an amazing community here at RemodelForum.com! Recently we made a huge change and updated our forum software. The new features and tools are proving to be worth the effort!

Well, we recently realized that even though things look a bit different, the "feeling" of community is still the same. This got us thinking: "What does our members love most about RF? We have a great group of people here, and now even better features and tools... it would be cool to know what they like about being members!"

Then we realized we have hundreds of "lurkers" that visit every day but don't join us.

Well, we decided it would be fun to start a thread where our existing and new members could:
  1. List the reasons why they like being members here
  2. Tell about some of the benefits of joining the community and going from lurker to member
  3. Post any other information that may help the lurkers (ya, you, the person reading this RIGHT NOW) that they should join our community!

Here are a few of the reasons WE love RF and think peeps should join us:
  • A very friendly and active community where you can discuss pretty much anything related to living a more self-sufficient, sustainable, green, lifestyle!
  • We have a strong sense of community here! People often come seeking advice about their animals and end up making friends. We pride ourselves in maintaining a fully-moderated, friendly and welcoming community, where flaming, cursing and trolling are not acceptable.
  • You'll be able to interact with tons of great people who share similar interests.
  • They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and we love seeing pictures of everyone's animals! Becoming a member allows you to easily post and share your pictures with a community that will appreciate them.
  • As a member, you have can participate in contests and giveaways often with prizes. They are fun, and who doesn't like free stuff from winning a prize?
  • You'll be able to subscribe to threads and forum sections and get notifications of updates.
  • Fewer Ads: Advertising keeps this site free for the thousands of people who visit. We reward our signed-in members by showing them fewer ads!
  • Registering is FREE and EASY!
Sign up here: http://www.remodelforum.com/login/
(make sure to check the box for "No, create an account now")


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Smart Red

I haven't been around here long enough to have a lot of praises to sing. I do know there has been a feeling of camaraderie and helping on this site with none of the judgmental infighting I have found on other message boards.