Hello, I have some major water staining on some outside windows. Does anyone have and idea on how to remove it. I have already tried Windex window cleaner. Thanks Handystan
White vinegar, a bit of dishwashing liquid, and lots of hot water. It's most likely some kind of mineral deposit. If that fails, try some of the solutions you can find by searching Google: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=hard+water+deposits&btnG=Google+Search What's that commercial stuff, it comes in the yellow bottle, initials of some sort, like CRX or something, you can buy it at any grocery store...that's my place of last resort, and almost always works well!
I've found that windex doesn't get everything off of the outside of the windows, but usually just smears stuff around. There are a few things that I've used that work well, the first being the hot water and vinegar. That one never seems to fail. If you don't have a lot of time and want to get it done quickly I've found the Mr. Clean (???) cleaner that attaches to your garden hose works well. I'm not sure if it's Mr. Clean, but I know it's something along those lines.
I just remembered! CLR is the stuff I use when nothing including vinegar works. Often I'll rinse out a sponge and then use the CLR on the sponge and scrape it down until it comes off. My sister's house has extremely hard water, and she's never been able to get it off with anything. I got most of it off with CLR, but it was tough going even so!
You're supposed to clean the outsides of your windows!?! Nah, I'm teasing. I would also think that CLR or something similar would work. Although we haven't had any problems at our house.
Well, mamab, the jokes on me because that's one thing I never think about. My windows have blinds as well as panels and curtains, so we never see our windows. I have to confess it kind of make me feel convicted that I do not clean our windows. Maybe I'll give it go and even do the outside. NOT!