Short Version: We're installing 6 mini-split units from As part of our whole-house remodel, we're going all-electric... which means getting rid of our gas furnace / central heat. I LOVE the heat-pump technology, but I'm not a fan of the old / outdated mini-split units, and I wasn't really interested in a huge single heat-pump (like the Mitsubishi 36000 BTU MXZ-SM36NAM-U1 multi-zone unit). I stumbled across a company that was in stealth mode... but promised to revolutionize heat-pump mini-splits. There was very little info, so I didn't do much more than bookmark the site. A few months later Google news showed me an article about the same company and I realized they weren't too far from where I live, so I figured I'd sign up to get more info. I'm glad I did! It started the process for us to line-up our remodel and HVAC needs with when the company was launching their product. Working with their team, we decided on 6 indoor "head" units, and 4 outdoor units. Each head unit does 9k BTU heat/cooling. All the details are here: Some info in this quick video: Longer video: